# 702 Lavender Salve

Salves and ointments are oils that have been made solid by the addition of wax.

This salve was originally made for a horse.  The animal had been plagued by flies and had many bites around its eyes.  The salve provided a way of applying lavender so that it would remain on the irritated skin.  As well as being antibacterial, lavender is an insect repellent, preventing further attack.  It’s plenty gentle enough for human use.

This salve is made using Lavender Infused Oil.

    • 50g Lavender infused olive oil
    • 10g Beeswax
    • 4 drops Lavender essential oil

Put the infused oil and beeswax in a heatproof container, preferably glass.  Warm the oil and wax, either in an oven at about 70C or in a bain marie, until the wax has melted.  (It’s a good idea to put a stirrer in the oil and wax mixture to warm up as the mixture warms up.  If you put a cold stirrer into the liquid oil and wax mixture, the salve will solidify on it.)

Add the essential oil, and pour into pots.  Label the pots and store them in a fridge until you want to use the salve.

As a variation, you can add a little patchouli essential oil to extend the time that the salve works as an insect repellent.  (See Lavender and Patchouli Salve.)