# 703 Lavender and Patchouli Salve

Salves and ointments are oils that have been made solid by the addition of wax.

This salve is made using Lavender Infused Oil.  It is a variant of Lavender Salve.

Lavender and patchouli share some properties.  Both are antibacterial, and both are insect repellents.  While lavender is a head note in perfume terms, quite volatile and not very long-lasting, patchouli is a much more persistent bass note.  Adding patchouli to lavender salve extends the time for which it is effective, particularly as an insect repellent.


50g Lavender infused olive oil
10g Beeswax
4 drops Lavender essential oil
4 drops Patchouli essential oil


Put the infused oil and beeswax in a heatproof container, preferably glass.  Warm the oil and wax, either in an oven at about 70C or in a bain marie, until the wax has melted.  (It’s a good idea to put a stirrer in the cold oil and wax mixture to warm up as the mixture warms up.  If you put a cold stirrer into the  liquid oil and wax mixture, the salve will solidify on it.)

Add the essential oils, and pour into pots.  Label the pots and store them in a fridge until you want to use the salve.