

Last updated 27 Aug 2020

This is a fairly eclectic selection of websites that I have found interesting, or useful, or entertaining.


Tucked away in the website of the American Cleaning Institute, there is an archive of papers and journals.  This includes papers dating from 1949.  Many are scanned documents, so the content won’t turn up in a normal web search.

Perfume Resources

Ffern is a small independent perfume company that produces limited edition seasonal perfumes.  The perfumes are created using organic, natural essences by perfumiers Francois Robert and protégé Elodie Durande.  The website is heavily slanted towards sales, but they have published some interesting profiles of ingredients on the Ffern Facebook pages.

Fragrantica describes itself as: “an online encyclopaedia of perfumes, a perfume magazine and a community of perfume lovers”.  It hosts a database of commercially available perfumes and their ingredients, and an online magazine for perfume lovers (whom an Italian friend describes as “smelly people”).  It’s a very useful resource.  Fragrantica is based in San Diego CA, in the US.

Selling Cosmetics

Cosmetic Safety Consultants Ltd  specialise in guiding small producers of cosmetics through the process of gaining the certifications needed to sell their products in the United Kingdom and the European Union.